
Because we are a non-profit organization, we depend on donations from our community to run the shelter.  If you would like to donate to Critter Haven, there are a couple ways you may be able to help us out:

1.  Donate from the comfort of your own home!  We can accept checks made out to "Critter Haven" which may  be mailed to the address below:
        Critter Haven Animal Shelter
        7091 Edinboro Road
        Erie, Pa 16412 
2.  Stop in and visit us!  We have a donation jar set up on the front desk where you can drop off cash or checks. Remember, every penny helps!  Instead of money, you may also choose to donate one or more items from our "Wish List," which are listed below:

Critter Haven Wish List

- cash or checks made out to "Critter Haven"
- Towels
- Wash cloths
- Blankets
- Bleach
- Laundry soap
- Dog toys (they love stuffed animals!)
- Dog food
- Puppy food
- Treats